How a Crippling Back Injury Forced a Small
Town Arizona Doctor to Discover
Nature’s “Regeneration Key”
For Turning Back the Clock and
Dramatically Reducing Pain in Under 21 Days…
Without Pain Pills or Invasive Surgery

How a Crippling Back Injury Forced a Small Town Arizona Doctor to Discover Nature’s “Regeneration Key” For Turning Back the Clock and Dramatically Reducing Pain in Under 21 Days… Without Pain Pills or Invasive Surgery


Read on to Discover How Men and Women
All Over the Country Have “Stolen” this Key 
To Feel 10 Years Younger And 
Get Back To Doing What They Love

Read on to Discover How Men and Women All Over the Country Have “Stolen” this Key To Feel 10 Years Younger And Get Back To Doing What They Love

How a Crippling Back Injury Forced a Small
Town Arizona Doctor to Discover
Nature’s “Regeneration Key”
For Turning Back the Clock and
Dramatically Reducing Pain in Under 21 Days…
Without Pain Pills or Invasive Surgery


Read on to Discover How Men and Women All Over the Country Have “Stolen” this Key To Feel 10 Years Younger And Get Back To Doing What They Love

My left leg was on fire... 

Or at least that’s how it felt as I sat in class during my first semester of medical school.

The pain was so unbearable… 

So distracting… 

That not only was I unable to focus on what my professors were saying… 

But I literally had to lie on the floor during class just to get some relief…

And all at the ripe old age of 23.

Now just a couple months before I started med school…

I was playing hockey, and took a couple strides on my skates…
When I felt the most disgusting pain I’ve ever felt sear through my back and into my left leg.
I could hardly get off the ice, let alone drive myself home.

The injury was so bad…

I had blown-out, or herniated, a disk in my lower back and was compressing a nerve.

I tried medications to get rid of the pain.

I tried weeks of physical therapy.

I tried injections to target the inflamed nerve.

Nothing could make the pain go away.

Then I did what no other first year medical student in my class did for Spring Break:

I got back surgery.

Had to. I was miserable.

As I started recovering from the surgery, I went through weeks of agonizing physical therapy…

And started feeling a bit better…

At least for a couple years.
Until my herniated disc re-herniated…

And again, I repeated the same cycle.

More medication.

More physical therapy.

More injections.

None of it worked.

And I was forced to get a second surgery.
Yet it wasn’t until my third back injury…
That I uncovered the “6 letter key” to dramatically reducing pain naturally…
That can not only be more effective than



Cortisone shots…

And physical therapy…

But can even be done safely from the comforts of home.

This “6 letter key” to getting rid of pain flies in the face of what more than 90% of doctors suggest…

And in just a moment I’ll share how this “6 letter key” to unlocking pain is helping countless men and women all over the country…

Dramatically reduce their pain, naturally…

So they never have to let their pain get in the way of achieving their dreams ever again.

With this natural 6 letter solution...

People are finally able to enjoy all the activities they love with their spouses, kids, and friends…

They no longer have to feel like a burden to their loved ones…

Because their pain keeps them from being independent…

And most importantly, with this solution, folks can finally feel in control of their own bodies…

And free themselves from the fear their body is broken beyond repair.

With this natural 6 letter solution…

They now can move, sleep, and enjoy life the way we’re all meant to…

Happily, and without pain.
They no longer have to feel like a burden to their loved ones…

Because their pain keeps them from being independent…

And most importantly, with this solution, folks can finally feel in control of their own bodies…

And free themselves from the fear their body is broken beyond repair.

With this natural 6 letter solution…

They now can move, sleep, and enjoy life the way we’re all meant to…

Happily, and without pain.
Hi, my name is

Dr. JohnTait,

I’m a triple-board certified functional sports medicine and injury recovery specialist.
I got my medical degree from Michigan State, completed my sports medicine fellowship at Virginia Tech…

And as I briefly mentioned, I’m triple-board certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation by both the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and the American Osteopathic Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation…

And in Sports Medicine by the American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine.
I also serve as an adjunct professor in the Biomedical Engineering department at The University of Arizona, and consult for The University of Arizona Athletics Department…

When I’m not running Rejuv Medical Southwest, my practice where I help patients heal without invasive surgeries or nasty and expensive prescription medications that wreak havoc on the body’s ability to heal…

I’m studying and learning from mentors in the rapidly growing field of Regenerative Medicine and Functional Medicine,

And speaking on these topics all around the Southwest U.S.

We have earned awards for both Regenerative Medicine Practice of The Year, and Functional Medicine Doctor of The Year.
Award-Winning Results For People Just Like You:
Now as I hinted at earlier, it wasn’t until my third back injury that I discovered how and why at least 90% of doctors “get pain wrong”...

And why the key to unlocking pain is simply 6 letters.

It was the winter of 2012.

I had gotten involved in a 26-mile one-day charity hike to support children’s cancer research…

And was in the best shape of my life…

Yet something wasn’t right when I woke up the morning of the hike.

I started feeling pain and numbness in my right leg, but just figured I’d slept funny.
So I went through with the hike…

And the more I went on…

The worse the pain got.

What was really scary was the fact that…

Despite everything I went through before…

This was the worst pain I’d ever felt.

So there I was, only in my 30s…
Literally crippled by this injury.

Yet I was hobbling around the office for weeks with a cane because my leg was so painful and weak.
So I had one of my colleagues try to help me “heal”...

And that’s when I started uncovering this 6 letter key to unlocking pain.
See, my colleague was a brilliant physician, with multiple board-certifications in the treatment of pain.

But he was trained like almost every other doctor in that specialty in America…

To use the same conventional tools I had been through twice before.

And again I was stuck in the pain cycle that many people, including me and my patients…
Are all too familiar with.

This vicious cycle includes pain, then pain pills, shots, surgery, and physical therapy.

And even though my colleague was “well trained”...
My pain wasn’t getting any better…

That’s where some fear crept in.

“Am I going to need a third back surgery at age 35!”

“What is my back going to be like then?”

“Will I be able to keep working and doing what I am doing?”

The thoughts came fast and frequent, especially as the treatments weren’t helping.

So I seriously was considering a third back surgery.

Now since I’d already had 2 back surgeries in my 20s, the thought of getting a third one was simply too much to bear.

I also knew far more at this point in my career.

Having my back potentially fused was a last resort for me at that age.

There had to be a better way I thought.

I mean, I’d spent the last several years researching and exploring integrative medical treatments that most doctors don’t even think about...

Because most doctors don’t seek additional training in these areas.

These integrative and functional treatments are all based on the fact that the body…

Every human body… 

Actually has an incredible natural ability to heal itself…

Especially when given the right tools.

So I went “all in” studying every book I could get my hands on.

I scoured sources on the internet.

I attended Integrative, Functional, and Regenerative Medicine conferences.

I found mentors who could teach me what I wasn’t taught and trained to do in more than 15 years of school, training and 3 years of practice...

But before I share what these tools are... 

And how to use them to effectively reduce pain…

The natural way…

I first need to explain why most people get stuck with pain even after seeing a doctor…

Or maybe even multiple doctors.

Now if you’ve experienced pain, or still have it today, chances are you’ve probably tried things like prescriptions and over the counter medications…
Yet perhaps still struggle with pain on a daily basis.

And if you’ve tried any of these things, yet still have pain…

I’ve got two things to tell you:


I completely understand how frustrating that can be (I’ve been there
before myself).


The reasons these options haven’t solved your pain problem are not
your fault…
And actually have everything to do with the current medical system.

See, the reality is, the key to treating, and even eliminating pain, comes down to what I call “The 2 Ps”...

That most doctors not only ignore, but aren’t even trained how to address!

I know that sounds pretty scary, and it actually is…

But don’t worry, in just a minute I’m going to share exactly how to master the 2 Ps, so you can master your pain…

And feel better than ever.
OK, so what exactly are “The 2 Ps?”
Physiology and Psychology.
Let me explain what that means.

The main reason people suffer in pain…

Is because the vast majority of doctors don’t target the actual root cause of your pain.

Now frankly, this isn’t the doctors’ fault, for the most part.
It all has to do with how they’re trained, and the way the medical system works.

Since doctors have tons of patients to see every day...

30, 40, sometimes 50 patients…

And in many cases are being underpaid...

Despite being overworked…
They can’t actually spend the time they need to with their patients to make sure the problems get solved at their root cause…

Which leads to the second and main problem with most doctors’ treatment methods.

Most doctors, believe it or not, are NOT actually trained in how to treat their patients' pain.

Instead, they’re trained to treat the symptoms, but that just doesn’t work.
If someone comes to a doctor with a broken arm, and the doctor just puts a band-aid on the arm, is it going to heal properly?

Probably not.

And while this example might sound a little extreme…

It’s actually what’s happening with most doctors and their patients every single day.
Because they aren't trained or instructed to treat the root cause of their patients’ pain…

But rather treat the symptoms.

Think of it like this. If someone’s roof is leaking into their house, and the water is getting everywhere…
Putting a bucket down below the leak will keep the water from getting onto the floor for a little bit…

But eventually, the water will spill out onto the floor again and again…

Because the root cause of the problem…

The hole in the roof, wasn’t fixed.

Now take someone with knee pain for example.

Unless it’s an acute injury, like an ACL tear, most knee pain actually has nothing to do with the knee.

In fact, that knee pain is most likely caused by a problem in the hip…

Either weakness or tension…

Or even muscle knots and tightness in the quad…


Or adductors (the inner thigh muscles).

Yet most doctors either don’t realize this…

Or don’t approach treating their patients this way.

They hear “knee pain”, and just try and find a way to “get rid of or mask” the pain…

As opposed to fixing the root cause and source of the knee pain itself…

That once addressed…

Can result in dramatic reduction, if not elimination of, that pain.

They’re just trying to put a bucket under the leaky hole in the roof…

Instead of patching the roof so it never leaks again.

And, if they are a bit better in that they are actually looking at the anatomy up and down the chain…from the foot to the hip.  

Rather than being hyper-focused on the knee.

They still are probably not looking AT ALL at the first of the 2 Ps – the physiology.

Why am I confident saying that?

Because in my 15 years of school and training, I was not trained to look at it either.

You see, pain and inflammation in the knee may have nothing to do with the structure or anatomy. ..

It may have more to do with the overall state of your health. 

The physiology, or systems of the body, can fall out of balance.

Sometimes because of cumulative stress or injuries.

But sometimes due to issues or “silent injuries” to the gut (digestive system)...

And the powerful connection the gut has with your immune system.

Those systems can have far-reaching impact on the body.

And this can drive some serious pain and inflammation in the joints, spine, muscles. ..


And everywhere.

Imbalances in the digestive system often lead to imbalance in the immune system.

Extreme cases of imbalance are called “autoimmune disease”

This is when the body literally starts attacking itself.

And if the conventional treatments I mentioned…

Anti-inflammatory medications, cortisone shots, physical therapy are focused entirely on the anatomy.

Well, it will never definitively solve the problem.

See where this is going?

The physiology is just as important as the anatomy!

That’s the first of the 2 Ps - physiology.

The 2nd P stands for

And yes, psychology plays a major role in the treatment and reduction of pain.

There’s a famous saying that goes like this:
“The solution for what ails your body is in your mind. What ails your mind is in your body.”
Yet most doctors don’t address the psychology of pain.
But what exactly is the psychology of pain?

It’s pretty simple.

The mental part of pain is all about reframing the pain…

And defending against it taking over the mind.

For example, “success” for many people dealing with pain means being pain free…
And while this is not only great…

But also possible in many cases…

It’s not always possible in all cases…

So when people in pain decide success ONLY means being pain free…

They’re setting themselves up for failure and frustration…

As are their doctors, because the doctors don’t acknowledge that unless the root cause is treated (AKA physiology or the 1st P)…
Being “pain-free” might be nothing but a pipe dream for some folks.

However, if we simply reframe our pain…

And instead of defining success as being “pain free”...

We define success as pain no longer controlling our minds…

Or our body...

It now becomes seeking freedom from pain...

And that is totally different.

So when it’s not the first thing we think about when we wake up…

The last thing we think about as we go to bed…
And don’t let it consume our minds throughout the day…

Not only do we take control of pain instead of letting it control us…

But we also get the added benefit of getting back the energy that we lost when dealing with the pain…

So it’s not the main thing we think about all day every day.

This is something I wrestled with daily in my old medical practice…

As I suffered in nonstop pain.

I kept asking myself:

“If the goal of Orthopedics & Pain Medicine is to get rid of the patient’s pain, how come most doctors aren't trained to target the ROOT cause of the pain?”

That’s when I left my old practice, and started my own…

Based on the pain solution I’m about to share with you…

That’s helped people all over the U.S. master their pain…

By mastering the 2 Ps…

So they can walk the path to freedom from pain.

In fact, that’s exactly what my method is called, the PATH…

Because it’s a 4 step map to take you from pain to healing.

This 4 step pain solution addresses BOTH of the 2 Ps...

Physiology (the root cause of pain) and psychology.

The four steps include
Prepare, Activate, Target, and Heal.

Preparing is essential…

It’s the foundation the entire healing process rests on...

Because it’s all about getting your mind right…

So you can prepare your mind for mastering the psychology of pain…

And the beginning of an important process towards healing.

Next comes Activate…

This is where we activate both of your 2 Ps…

Your physiology and your psychology at the same time…

So that pain doesn’t stand a chance!

Next comes Target, where we start using tactics to target the source of the pain itself.

And finally comes step #4, Heal.

This is where we put everything from steps 1-3 together so we can not only heal…

But avoid the cycle of pain that many of us find ourselves in living our day to day lives.

Now given my 20+ years of medical experience, I thought surely there must be doctors all over the country teaching the PATH method to their patients…
Yet the more I looked into it... 
The closer I came to the frightening realization that doctors were not teaching the method I used to heal myself from the pain of my nagging back injuries…

And that it was my responsibility to share this life changing pain solution with as many people as possible.
Yet that was easier said than done.

For starters…

When I first used the PATH on myself, I had the benefit of being a triple board-certified doctor.

In other words, I knew what I was doing, and why it would work.

Yet, even with my education, this journey took me on an entirely different path.

I had to “unlearn” much of what I spent years learning...
And replace my own way of practicing with a new operating system

However, since most doctors miss the 2 Ps when treating their patients…

I knew I had an uphill battle to fight to make sure people understood why I was telling them to do what I was…

And ensure they’d actually follow the plan.

The second problem I ran into had everything to do with geography.

See, I’m from Michigan, got my medical degree from Michigan State, completed my sports medicine fellowship at Virginia Tech…

Yet I live and work in Tucson, AZ.

The problem? I couldn’t be everywhere at once.

And I know just how powerful the PATH is at helping people overcome their struggles with pain…

So they can liberate themselves from the prison of pain…

And live the happy and healthy lives they deserve…
Award-Winning Results For People Just Like You:
But as happy as these folks are with the results the PATH got them...

I could only reach so many people in the greater Tucson area.

There had to be a way to bring the PATH pain solution to people all over the country…

No matter where they were…

No matter what they tried before.

Because patients would thank me for helping them heal their pain…

And say things like, 
“Dr. Tait, this method completely changed my life. I have a good friend, or relative that really needs this, too bad they’re on the other side of the country”.
“they would come to see you, but they just can’t travel with all the pain they’re in”.
And that’s when it hit me.

I needed to be able to show people the PATH even if they couldn’t travel.

Even if they couldn’t leave the comforts of home.

Now it took a lot of time, effort, and energy…

But I’m happy to say that after years and years of research and experimentation...
The 4 Week PATH program is
finally available online!
And I’ve never been prouder in my life than I am today…

To be speaking to the public about the PATH for the very first time.
Not only am I a medical doctor who has spent years developing and refining this pain solution for not only myself…

And my patients...

But I’m the kind of man who is extremely dedicated to helping people live happier, healthier lives.

Look, I realize how suffering from constant pain can sometimes rob a person of their joy, their patience…
How it can zap them of their peace of mind…

And make them feel like they’ll never be the same again.

Many folks are not strangers to this pain and struggle…

For people whose agonizing pain has gone on for a while now…

They know for themselves just how de-stabilizing this can be to their entire life.
Not only is it frustrating and torturous…

But it can leave them feeling hopeless.

It can ruin relationships, a person’s work ethic, their sex life…

It can steal away a person’s independence…

And turn them into a burden to everyone they know...

Making them and their loved ones stressed, angry and resentful...
And as anyone with pain knows…

It has the ability to drain a person of their energy…

And it can take over and control their entire lives if it progresses unmanaged.

But wouldn’t it be great to live a “normal” life again…

Especially if it meant not feeling forced to depend on prescriptions and doctors who don’t address the 2 Ps to control pain.
I think it’s fair to say that no one wants to spend the rest of their lives suffering in pain…

In fact…

Suffering from these types of problems makes life feel miserable…

That’s the way many people told me they have felt about their own fight against pain challenges…

But that was before they went through and walked the PATH for themselves…

And testified about their experiences firsthand.

It’s because of stories like these I truly believe that so many Americans can benefit from the PATH…

Whether a person has had pain for just a few months from an injury…
Or have developed it as they’ve aged…
Struggled for years to overcome their pain...
Or even if they just want to make sure their body and health are best protected…
The simple, yet powerful 4 week PATH program can help those looking for research backed methods for healing and regeneration...
And so much more.

So that Americans everywhere can finally get control over their pain once and for all.
Now you’re probably wondering, what exactly is in the PATH program?
The PATH program is a 4-week interactive online course, and the only one out there…
That let’s me personally guide you through the 4-step PATH pain solution.

You get all the benefits of working with me in person…

But from the comforts of home…

So you can work through the 4 steps of the PATH at your own pace.
Here’s What You’ll
Get Inside the PATH
  • 4 weeks’ worth of videos where I walk you through each step of the PATH process
  • Daily breakdowns of each lesson inside of the step of the PATH we’re on
  • Live weekly Zoom video Q&As, where you can ask me anything you want about the PATH and your situation
  • More than 23 downloadable tools, worksheets, and exercises to make your time on the PATH even easier and more effective
  • Exclusive access to a private member’s only online community
  • And so much more.

Here’s just some of what we’ll go over together.

Module #1: Prepare

This is where we lay the foundation for all the pain reduction and possibly elimination strategies that follow…
Setting ourselves up for success with the psychology part of the 2 Ps that most doctors ignore…

  • Outlining what’s in store for us in the PATH ahead…
  • Building momentum and mastery (of ourselves and our pain)
  • 4 questions you must answer to be able to effectively reduce pain
  • What it means to go “7 levels deep” and why it’s essential for conquering pain
  • And much more.

Module #2: Activate

This is where we activate both of the 2 Ps (physiology and psychology).
  • Discover how to “slay the dragon” of our pain
  • Become the gatekeeper of our own mind
  • What to do to activate the 2 Ps on autopilot
  • How to reboot sleep
  • 5 tools that are major needle movers for pain reduction

Module #3: Target

This is where the real “magic” starts to happen…
  • fmOS - the functional medicine operating system that’s key for upgrading your health and dramatically reducing your pain
  • How to restore balance to the unbalanced systems of the body
  • Mastering the body’s “2nd brain”, and why it’s critical for saying goodbye to pain
  • Uncover delicious foods like the “Hollywood Doughnuts” that can kill pain naturally
And last but certainly not least…

Module #4: Heal

Where we bring everything together…
  • What to do when your body is being a “noodge”
  • My 10 must have rules for supplementation, and why most supplements won’t help
  • Creating your own perpetual success loop
  • Design the future for where the PATH will take you
Now as I mentioned, on top of these 4 weeks of content you’ll have access to me in your personal member’s area…
You’ll also have 4 weekly live Q&A Zoom calls where I can help you with whatever is on your mind... 
To make your PATH to living without pain as clear as possible.
These will also be recorded just in case you can’t make a call...

Plus an exclusive, private, member’s only online community…

Where you can ask additional questions and get accountability from others on the PATH to make sure you have all the tools you need to walk the PATH safe and sound.
Just $197
for the Entire 4 Week Program
Including 1 Hour Live Group Zoom Calls with Dr. Tait Weekly!
And even though most doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies probably wouldn’t like that I’m sharing this information with you…
I couldn’t stop there, because I know what it’s like to struggle in pain all day every day...
Have pain be the only thing you think about…

And I know what it’s like to feel trapped in a prison of pain and frustration…

Fearing things will never get better.
So in addition to:
  • 4 weeks’ worth of videos where I walk you through each step of the PATH process
  • Daily breakdowns of each lesson inside of the step of the PATH we’re on 
  • Live weekly Zoom video Q&As, where you can ask me anything you want about the PATH and your situation
  • 23 downloadable tools, worksheets, and exercises to make your time on the PATH even easier and more effective
  • Exclusive access to a private member’s only online community
I’m also including not one, not two, but FOUR of my best-selling eBooks, absolutely free, when you enroll in the PATH today.
So not only will you get access to 4 weeks’ worth of videos where I walk you through each step of the PATH process
You’ll also receive a copy of my best-selling eBook, The Pain Free Diet: Kill Pain With Food Not Pills…
That not only shows how to heal pain with food, but also has over 40 pages of mouthwatering pain killing recipes…

Ranging from delicious mint chip ice cream…

To sizzling southwest chili…

And everything in between.
If I calculated the time it would take me to teach you the information in just this eBook alone, and then multiplied that by my hourly consultation rate of $350...

You would be spending well over $1000 in office visits just to get started.
This does not even factor in the type of nutritional advice you would have to pay a nutritionist to create the meal plans and recipes included in this eBook.
That could be hundreds of dollars depending on the consultant you see.

So for the sake of argument, let’s just say this eBook is a $350 value.

But just in case the natural pain reducing desserts in The Pain Free Diet aren’t enough to satisfy your sweet tooth while closing the door on pain...

I’m also giving you a copy of Pain Free Desserts…

For even more sweet treats that can help treat pain naturally. This is a $27 value.

Now not everyone has a sweet tooth like I do…

So I’m also giving you a copy of Pain Killing Spices & Teas, a $27 value…

And 5 “Healthy” Foods That Can Degenerate The Body, a $17 value.

The eBooks alone are at least a $421 value, but they're yours free when you join me on the PATH and invest in access to this life-changing pain solution today.
Now given everything you’ve discovered today, I’m sure you’re wondering how you can join me and countless other Americans taking control of their pain on the PATH.
Frankly, I wish it were easier for you to get access to the PATH, but sadly it’s not as easy as it sounds.

For starters, as I mentioned earlier, the healthcare system, hospitals, and big pharmaceutical companies don’t really want me sharing this information…

Since it reveals the holes in the current versions of the healthcare system and pain treatment.

Second, since I am going to be personally coaching whoever is involved in the 4-week PATH program, and also have my own practice, plus family duties…
I can only take on so many people…
And space is limited.

With that being said though…

I also don’t want anyone else to continue to suffer from the frustration of trying to “get through” their pain…

Especially when it can make everyday feel like a serious struggle for some…

And when there is a natural alternative for treating pain…

Possibly for good.

Now, I’d like to restate that access to me and the PATH pain solution are only available on this website…
And given its popularity…
Plus the fact it flies in the face of what the healthcare system tells most of us to do for our pain…

It may not be around forever.

Now, since it would take me way more time to teach you the information in this course than it would to teach you what’s in The Pain Free Diet…

And that would cost well over $1,000 just in office visits with me…

The PATH would easily cost at least $3,000…

And that’s not even including the $421 worth of free bonuses.

So let’s say a fair price for the PATH would be $3,421.
But right now, and through this website only…
Since I’m on a mission to help as many people as possible get rid of the pain in their lives…

Readers of this letter can get access to the entire PATH program…

Plus $421 worth of free bonuses…

At a major discount...

Since the methods in this program are natural…

Which is a huge relief to so many people I work with…

Because they love knowing they don’t have to fear getting hooked on pills.

Plus, on top of all of that…

Since the PATH is natural, and not a prescription or an invasive surgery...

It doesn’t come with the nasty side effects that are found in so much of modern medicine.

Which is absolutely HUGE!

When considering all of that…

$3,421 for the PATH is a really fair deal…

Plus, there are all the benefits money can’t buy…
Waking up each day with a huge burst of energy…

Or Getting back independence…

Or enjoying fun with family and friends…

Or finally feeling the drive to be intimate again.

Thinking of all of this…

$3,421 seems like a steal to me.

Yet despite all of that…
Readers today won’t pay anywhere close to $3,421 for access to the PATH pain solution today.

That’s because like I said before…

I want to help as many people as possible…

Which is why when you sign up right now…

Readers can get their very own exclusive access to me and the PATH program for a one-time investment of just $197.

Which is a savings of $3,224…

But only while spots are still available.
So sign up now while there are still spots open.
Just $197
for the Entire 4 Week Program
Including 1 Hour Live Group Zoom Calls with Dr. Tait Weekly!
(Special pricing available for a limited time only)
After clicking the sign up now button…
Readers will be redirected to a 100% Secure and Encrypted Checkout Page…

Where there’s a simple order form to fill out…

And after that…

An email will be on its way providing access to your online member’s area…

And any other information you need before starting your first session.

So looking at the facts…

This is one of the smallest, yet critical investments…

Anyone may ever make for their health and wellbeing...

Something that can not only help improve support for pain reduction…

But that can help people win back their independence…

So that they start living their best lives again…

The lives they were MEANT to be living.

So please, go ahead and sign up now while there are still spots available…

And enjoy the peace of mind that comes with supporting your health today!
Just $197
for the Entire 4 Week Program
Including 1 Hour Live Group Zoom Calls with Dr. Tait Weekly!
(Special pricing available for a limited time only)

Here’s why this investment should be so easy to make:

Here’s why this investment should be so easy to make:

Your Investment Today Is Also Covered By A Full 30 Day, 100% Money Back GUARANTEE

Here’s how it works…
Right now just place an order to secure your spot in the PATH program…

And say “maybe” to the PATH.
Then once you get access to the program…
Start following the steps I’ve used with myself and countless patients…

And see how you feel.

Most of the folks who go through the PATH…

Fall in love with what the PATH can do for them!.

There really is ZERO risk because of this guarantee…

And if for some reason the PATH isn’t working out…

Just call or email my Team…

And they’ll send a refund immediately.

No questions. No hassles.

Plus, there’s no need to return the bonus eBooks.

Keep them as a special “thanks” for trying out the PATH.

And when you do experience how the PATH can make you feel…

If you decide at some point to take your health to an even higher level…

With personalized 1-on-1 treatment with me…

You can put your investment in yourself and the PATH toward  that treatment…,

Which means there’s no downside here at all…

It’s a 100% risk-free investment that comes with tons of health benefits…

And there’s a full 30 days (an entire month) to see if the PATH is right for you.

Doesn’t It Make Sense To Feel and Experience The PATH As a Part of The Decision Making Process?

Then why not think it over while trying the PATH…

Since there’s no risk!

So go ahead and try the PATH today risk free…

And choose to sign up below right now…

To say “YES” to conquering pain struggles…

And “YES” to living a happy, healthy, and independent life again…
YES! It’s time to put my pain in the rearview mirror...
And Secure My Spot in the PATH Now!
Just $197
for the Entire 4 Week Program
Including 1 Hour Live Group Zoom Calls with Dr. Tait Weekly!
(Special pricing available for a limited time only)
Now It’s Time To Make A Decision…
Please don’t ignore everything inside this letter…

And continue to be a slave to pain…

A decision like that would change nothing …

And it’s obvious that something must change here…

Because a life of constant pain and frustration…

Where a person’s always worried about whether or not they’ll be able to function like they want…

Well that’s no life at all.

Especially now that I’ve shared the keys behind the PATH and shown how powerful they are at helping treat pain and supporting pain reduction…

That’s why I want to make it easy to say “YES” to the PATH today…

So go ahead and secure your spot in the PATH by signing up below.

Each investment is protected by a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, which means there’s absolutely no risk…

So break free of frustration…

And sign up right now…

And start living a better life.

YES! I Want To Start Taking Charge of My Pain…

By Securing My Spot in the PATH Right Now…
So I Can Enjoy A Life With Less Pain!

Just $197
for the Entire 4 Week Program
Including 1 Hour Live Group Zoom Calls with Dr. Tait Weekly!
I can’t wait to hear your success story!
Dr. John Tait
Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who is the PATH for?

The Path is for anyone looking to reduce their pain naturally, and break free from the worry that comes from being in pain all the time…
Or who are worried about prescriptions, surgeries, and physical therapies being their only options despite their side effects and potential risks.

2. What makes the PATH different than other pain solutions?

The PATH is the only program that focuses on mastering and the 2 Ps (physiology and psychology) of pain…
To treat the root cause of the pain, instead of just the symptoms.

It’s the same method I used to heal my own pain, as well as the pain of countless patients.

3. How long will it take to get results?

Everyone’s body is different so results will vary. But I can tell you that for a lot of folks, they notice that their pain starts to lessen after just a couple weeks.
And what’s even better is that the longer these folks use the tools provided in the PATH, the better they say it gets.

4. Will it work for me?

The PATH is a natural method that has the potential to work on anyone. Whether you’re 30 or 70. No matter your weight, your background, or what you’ve tried before.

There is nobody I have personally guided through this information who hasn’t felt a reduction in their pain. And the bonus “side effect” - they felt healthier - and happier - in the process.

5. What if it doesn’t work for me?

I understand you might be skeptical. I mean, the results I’ve shown you today are incredible. But I really believe that the PATH will work for YOU!
Yet, I understand you’ll only be convinced once you’ve tried it and felt the difference for yourself.
So, I want you to feel totally comfortable that you’re not risking a penny when you sign up today.

That’s why I’ve decided to offer a full 30-day money-back-guarantee.

It’s simple: you can try the PATH out for an entire month. If you’re not totally thrilled, simply call or email my team and they’ll return every penny you pay today.

You don’t need to provide a reason why. You’ll just get an easy, hassle-free refund of the full price you pay today.

And if you decide you want to upgrade your health even more, and invest in 1-on-1 personalized treatment with me…

You can put your investment in the PATH toward that treatment.

6. How can I sign up for the PATH?

It’s easy! Just click the “SIGN UP NOW” button above.
You’ll be taken to the secure order page. It takes just two minutes to complete.

Once you’re finished, you should be receiving an email with access to your online member’s area…

And any other information you need before starting your first session.
Copyright © Rejuv Medical Southwest 2020. All Rights Reserved.